Innovate with impact through custom GenAI & ML solutions

86% of companies experiment with GenAI, yet only 21% see meaningful impact. Drive measurable business growth with custom AI solutions and highly efficient agile strategy — and leave your competition behind

High-speed, low-risk AI prototyping and development

Build and validate AI prototypes and proofs of concepts with lower upfront investment, at double the speed of in-house development. We have the brainpower and expertise to accelerate your AI experiments — and turn the most successful of them into top-tier products.

AI POC in 2–8 weeks

Validate ideas with high-quality AI prototypes and proofs of concepts delivered in 2–8 weeks

Value from day 1

Backed by discovery and architecture support, our experts deliver value from day 1

2X more cost-efficient

Reduce engineering costs with remote teams and get 2X more value on your budget

Prototype, build, and market-test solutions while your competitors are only figuring out their AI strategy

Certified engineering support for your AI needs

Google Cloud Partner Advantage Program, service partner

Certified information security, cybersecurity, and privacy protection

AWS Certified Solutions Architects and Cloud Practitioners

Certified Azure experts

Your GenAI and ML stack is covered with AI Studio

Artificial intelligence

solutions and expertise

Produce high-quality assets for marketing, sales, communications, product development, and other purposes.

Accelerate and optimize workflows with AI editors, copilots, and assistants tailored to your organization processes and data.

Facilitate customer self-service, enhance user support, and boost engagement with human-like interactions powered by conversational AI.

Summarize, translate, interpret, search through, and extract insights from unstructured, diverse, and multi-format data.

Integrate GenAI into automated reporting to boost speed, granularity, precision, and flexibility.

Create synthetic data for AI/ML model training and data pipeline development and testing.

Key Gen AI technologies

Forecast trends in any industry and at every scale by identifying patterns and outliers in data.

Detect fraudulent activities in financial markets and digital advertising systems.

Identify churn earlier in the customer lifecycle to initiate timely retention campaigns.

Predict traffic accidents, equipment failures, and other risks with accuracy levels exceeding 90%.

Precisely segment audiences and personalize content, services, products, and experiences based on historical data.

Analyze images, videos, and real-world objects ranging in size and scale from crop fields to seaport containers and individual user movements and expressions.

Streamline business processes like predictive inventory management, procurement, supply chain coordination, and more.

Key Predictive AI technologies

Featured case studies:

AI and machine learning

From optimizing Fortune 500 supply chains to predicting subscriber churn at a 28-million-account scale, our AI playbook is all about measurable impact.

AI-driven churn detection for a top TV streaming network

Our AI and Data Studio experts developed a subscriber churn prediction solution leveraged by a premium US television network reaching 28 million American households. The solution enables our client’s marketing team to precisely determine the probability of users leaving the platform based on historical data. The tool leverages a leading-edge cloud infrastructure and a monitoring system preventing model drift and other issues.

Featured deliverables


AWS Sagemaker, AWS Batch, XGBoost

AI-driven supply chain analytics leveraged by Fortune 500 brands

One of AgileEngine’s longest-running projects involves the strategic development of a predictive supply chain analytics platform trusted by clients like Dell, Gap, Cisco, and Johnson & Johnson. Our team played a major role in bringing the platform from a prototype to a patented AI/ML product top-listed by Gartner.

Featured deliverables


AI-powered AdTech trusted by Microsoft, Verizon, and Toyota

A programmatic advertising SaaS trusted by AdAge 100 brands like Microsoft, Audible, and Verizon engages AgileEngine in modernizing its technology platform and product. The solutions introduced by our team are integral to business-critical functionality like campaign audit, analytics, and optimization. Leveraging cutting-edge technology and engineering approaches, our experts re-architected the company’s main API and web apps and developed new AI solutions powering campaign analytics.

Featured deliverables


AI/ML-powered predictive maintenance for tens of thousands of EVs

AgileEngine creates custom AI and data solutions for an AI startup launched in collaboration with a top-5 luxury car brand featured on the Fortune Global 500 list. The main focus of this collaboration is an ML-as-a-service platform streamlining electric vehicles manufacturing and maintenance. Our team helped ensure that the core AI/ML systems underlying the platform can reliably predict vehicle failures with unparalleled accuracy.

Featured deliverables


Python, AWS, AWS Sagemaker, AWS Glue, MWAA, Redshift, PostgreSQL, Node.js, GraphQL, Serverless Framework,  Prisma ORM, DBT, Terraform, TypeScript, React.js, Vite

You’ll love our deliverables,

take our clients’ word for it

Thiago Dutra | VP of Engineering, Americas

Explore AI/ML development strategies with our expert

Key services

AI/ML solution architecture

Data science

Data/ML engineering

MLOps and DevOps

Our process:

validate ideas in weeks and build impactful solutions

1. Discovery and feasibility analysis
Timeframe: 2–8 hours

Get an AI implementation roadmap based on your challenge and goals, complete with estimates for project duration.
2. Proof of concept and prototyping
Timeframe: 4–8 weeks

Validate your AI product strategy with POC or prototype delivered by a cross-functional team of AI architects, designers, and engineers.
3. Implementation
Timeframe: 2–9 months

Accelerate and automate AI solution deployment while getting 100% transparency regarding team performance and project status.
4. Support
Timeframe: on-demand or continuous

Ensure long-term project success with continuous system testing and adjust ML models to reflect changing market conditions.

Turn AI into a strategic driver of business growth

Share your AI challenge with our experts and explore the range of solutions we can offer.